Thanks to all people, nature, the environment, and life’s experiences that
have provided the basis for my inspiration to write poetry.
Some of the references about my poetry written by others refer to poems
which, I hope, you will be able to read in future publications.
A special thanks to my mother, my sisters and my father who showed a
great deal of interest and enthusiasm for my poetry in my early years... and
Thanks to Nella, my wife, for enduring my ebullient personality when it
comes to poetry! My children have had to bear the same effects.
Friends and colleagues have not been spared in my pursuit of readers
and listeners for my poetry output.
Again thanks to one and all, including all those people who have been
involved over the years in typing up and putting some of my poems into
publications and for this book.
Thanks to readers, viewers and listeners of this series of books and TV
programs. I sincerely hope that your time spent in my company has been