The accidental writer by Tom Padula – 2008/9

It was February 1968 and I was sitting at one of the tables on the first floor of the Baillieu Library at the University of Melbourne, next ...

Chapter 3 - Poetry My Friend Vol.2


Human life is characterized by the sentiments that each

person feels. There are sentiments of the heart, of the mind and

reason; there are also those sentiments that are generated from

our opinions. We find that a person’s sentiments about a whole

variety of feelings will determine the type of life that we end up


To be aware of one’s sentiments is very important… more

importantly it is to understand that the type of sentiments that

we hold within can make a huge difference to ourselves and all

those who live close to us.

Sentiments of love, care, genuine kindness, charity,

sincerity, honesty, empathy can bring us much happiness

through cooperation with others, by the generosity of spirit that

we demonstrate in times of difficulty or plain ordinary living.

Sentiments of dislike, of malevolence, of revenge can lead

to bickering, fighting, war. Sentiments are also present within

our varying states of guilt, bad temperament, violent leanings…

these can be very destructive on an individual person or be the

result of very precarious and nasty situations.

Beware your sentiments! They are the basis for our

communion with our inner self and others.


Sincerity, oh my brothers,

is seen from far away even by the blind,

who although their eyes

see none other but the shadows,

their awakened spirit

feels the warmth of the good

who sincerely speak to them

of what they see and hear.

In fact sincerity is blind:

it does not look in the eyes of its owner

but to the stars with submission.

Why shouldn’t man reveal

the truths which seem good to him?

Why should we hide what we see

when God, in His greatness,

has cleared darkness with the sun?

What is man if not a part of creation

amongst all else which is so well put together?

Why should man assume

that role which doesn't rightfully belong to him?

Let us, oh my brothers, leave universal justice

in the hands of the Lord.

Let us try only not to bring

damage to our neighbour, who also

wants to see things as God made them.

Searching for Joy

Joy in life

comes from the love

that you feel inside…

if you love others,

respect yourself,

care for the environment,

smile at the future,

laugh often together with

those who are close to you,

approach work

with pleasure and dignity.

You will have frank joy

if you think of the good,

fully aware

of the existence of evil.

Then you will remain an optimist;

you will want to contribute to the world

even knowing that your contribution

could appear to be of little importance.

We, humans, are made like this:

of flesh and bones,

of a material body

with spiritual pretensions

and illusions of immortality.

We are here for a short time

until death arrives

and takes us away… or perhaps

we return where we were.

Or, maybe, surely…

I don’t know… where!

In the meantime, I want to feel

the joy of all that

surrounds me, share it with one

who is my true friend!


Joy is a flower

at the beginning

of its walk

towards life.

You can have it

in every time

if your spirit

remains clean

and doesn’t tire

of the material things

of this our life!

Self Confidence

When you feel

sure of yourself

you ooze confidence.

You carry an aura

of “can do” around you.

You keep your thoughts

simple and to the point.

You know who you are

and what you must do.

Your inner soul mirrors

your feelings and opinions

into an outward show.

You’re like the rich

who know their power

and are not too

humble to use it!

Confidence builds up an image

of your worth in society.

Just a word about

the breakability of confidence.

Your worth has to match

your actions, deeds and promises.

Confidence can be an indulgence.

Therefore, keep it within your reach

and build around it a wall

of optimism and boundless energy.

Confidence needs dreams

like the grass needs water,

like a car that needs energy,

like a child who needs self-esteem.

In your “lows” in life

don’t allow anything to mar

the power of your most potent arm:


Confidence is not arrogance.

It is an inner glow that shines

outwardly in everything you do.


When there is empathy

you don’t go away!

You remain there in place

truly self assured!

You feel good inside

even when you are not well!

You acquire the incisive eye

of someone who is really tough!

You speak and act as the owner

even if you are a nobody!

What you say is well said

and what you do is well done!

You don’t feel any rancour

‘cause nothing bad can happen to you!

It’s not a mistake if you have

in your company this wonderful empathy!


The source of your discord

is all the fault of antipathy!

It invades everything

in all that you do, every day!

Everyone wants you far away

even when you are very good!

You keep your place amongst

those people only by betrayal!

You go around like a leper,

you are really to be pitied!

Happiness cannot be yours...

you have not known true kindness!

They avoid your company

as a result of your antipathy!

Blaming it on someone

Attack, attack...never

let the peace surround you!

You must shout and snarl

you need someone to beat.

Your ego needs no rest,

so fight...even in your rest!

Don’t be happy with what

you’ve got. Why feel happy

in your cot?

You’re scared

you don’t want to find

what is causing

this war in you!

Those around suffer

if they happen to care for you!

So why not spare the pain...

Ah! It would be too easy

for everyone... but you!


All that you want

to eat and you do.

You test your stomach

and the workings of your body.

You inflate and watch in

amazement: “How could it be?”

It takes only a few minutes

to suffer the lack of will power...

it’s no success!!

Then you pay the price

with clothes that are too small,

you look like an overgrown you

in T-shirts and shorts that

have a “whole” appeal.

Your looks have changed

along with your fitness...

You’re determined to sort it out

choosing the “right” food

and then eating time comes again...

you socialise, feast and party

at every turn... there is a commemoration

or a birthday or a family reunion!!

How can you overcome

your acknowledged weaknesses!

It’s a desperate contradiction

that you want to eat less

whilst in war torn countries

someone dreams about your excess!!

Anorexia - Stress

Stretch your abilities,

overdo your activities!

Increase the tension,

keep up your excesses...

Bottle it all up...

without even a good laugh!

Don’t take it natural...

It’s not cool to be easy!

You show your worth

without letting up!

You must succeed

in spite of your fatigue!

Get yourself uptight

over every little detail!

Everything is important,

don’t let anyone think!

Go, go, go... attack, attack,

order, command, criticise!

No one can do right. It must be

perfect... just like you!

Impotent Pride

The blood of man is a viper

that poisons the world.

Weak, egotistical, unfortunate,

he becomes great in his smallness.

He wants to impose himself over all things

which are stronger than him.

He wants to conquer other things

with his iron hand.

But time makes him feeble,

makes him become useless, old.

Impotent, man rebels.

In the meantime nature,

with its eternal hand,

changes things and men.

To replace them with others

who want to also live.

The same cycle closes itself.

Then, faster, it continues in the infinite.

Life, the eternal conqueror,

becomes conquered everyday,


Vanity...let’s you die

How beautiful is vanity!

It makes you feel attractive and good.

One can see that you are a god

who looks and admires himself,

who doesn’t feel irregularities,

where every thing is acceptable.

Vanity doesn’t allow

errors and omissions,

but rejoices in front

of your reflection.

Vanity is not blind,

but only lets you admire

things that appear to be good,

even if they are in fact not!

When we say vanity,

we think of Narcissus

who refused the nymph Echo,

falling in love

with his own image

reflected on the clear water

of a clear brook.

For this reason he died

and was transformed

in perfumed flower.

So also is vanity,

which is reflected in you…

and let’s you die,

allowing you to rock

in the perfume of your own ego.

Adoration of the fridge

He was young. He was hungry.

He needed sustenance daily.

He loved to interrupt his

normal routine almost hourly.

He came to open the fridge

searching for ready to eat food:

leftovers, cutlets and vegies,

fruit, sweets and ice cream.

He ate whatever fell in his grip.

He developed the reputation

of being a bottomless pit:

all that was good and tasty

ended up in his stomach.

He wasn’t at all fat... he was

like a skinny she-wolf in search

of satisfying her hunger.

What was the result of this

constant bow in front of the fridge?

His poor parents were desperate...

they were being eaten out of house

and home. How could they discipline

him to appreciate the cold storage

without that intense conviction

in his miserly eyes? What were

they to do with his longing for food?

They called on doctors and dietitians,

visited health clinics and fitness centres

and, finally, they were told clearly

that at his age food is a religion.

The fridge is an altar of worship,

praise and adoration. That’s it!


Your Body

The body that you have

keeps your company,

so make it your friend

even more than your family!

It’s hard to keep it in shape

if you give it no time to eat,

or if you neglect fitness and rest!

A body needs someone to make it

as healthy as it can be.

There is only you within it

so it is your property!

You need to make it

like a calling card

that’s simply attractive

in its own individuality!

So give it the very best

within, without or wherever.

This is a true test: don’t

keep it too much abreast!


Like so many swallows in the air, my years

touch the comets of the banks of the blue sky.

Having amongst other things spent 1971

with so much joy and with such frank company

that it seems to me that God has wanted to bless

the most beautiful years of my life!

And so many good words have been said,

and many and even more beautiful ones

already forgotten. I have tried in company

peace, order and harmony. And I found

in humanity love that transcends reality.

Human are the errors, the tears, grief, vainglory

and the mute war: but there is always so much

pleasure to see harmony in the company.

There is happiness, passing yes… it’s true…

but so beautiful are those already far

away moments, and those youthful dreams

that renew themselves with each Spring.

I have seen in the heart of human beings

a great and well hidden desire to be well liked…

and every person so different from his friends

has always in himself a sparkle of love.

Now you tell me that there is misunderstanding…

yes certainly… and yet, with the most absolute

patience, we can always arrive, with the so many

thorns, to understand a little the human truth.

One dies yes without having wanted it,

but between us my friends

there is a more absolute truth.

There is the nude instinct, which, like a beast

in its natural ground, leads

the person to his own self interest.

And there is the mind which, unfortunately

always more, guides man to automation.

Between the two I cannot choose,

but I think always with satisfaction

that with a personal education

we can arrive to spiritual civilization.

Education you don’t receive

from the preachers, who amongst other things

have their own saviour, but

from ourselves, in our own reality!

A Contribution

As you wave your hand

to youth, you feel inside

a mixture of sadness and joy.

To know that your time

is passing by, like the wind

on the sand in the desert,

is to realize your human

condition: a wink in eternity.

To appreciate the value

of your passage through time,

like pink blossoms on a cherry tree

in Spring, is to leave behind for

others a happy memory to cherish.

No matter how small,

the sum of it all makes up

your life, your dreams...

be thankful for your contribution.


The dream you left behind

feels like a friend in need.

Neglected and contrite

it wants someone to feed.

A dream is a special something

that’s generous and untried

like a loyal companion who

wants your car to drive.

A dream rests in your mind

until it finds a place within you.

You must make it satisfied or it will

upset your happiness inside you.

When you make it share your path,

a dream follows its own real distance...

that’s right... up to the finish... and

then it leaves you... in front!

To know that dreams are like the flowers

in your cups of excellent wine... to savour

each one and assess their worth is to shape

all other dreams ahead of you.

That dream is done and another begins...

to await for them one by one by one...

Ah! Then you’re wise... so you realize

that there are plenty of dreams to come...!

Deflating a Dream

You had a dream

and now that it is here,

it’s a tired old activity...

You want some change.

Why don’t you take

your time and plan

a cruise or two...

Sell up everything

and do what you

wish to do!

Give yourself some elasticity.

Nobody can stop these events

if you are content!

Get rid of the chains

that bind free

to party and dance!

You can even get away

to read until you sleep.

Let no one stop you,

not even you, you or you!

Tall Poppy

Your seed was made

of a tough hue.

You were born to ooze

confidence and strength.

You were a little rough

and success followed

your every failure.

You rode on a long

stretched road which

had its ups and downs.

Many admired and followed

your path giving you

resources and trust.

You soared high and you flew

the flight of a majestic eagle.

You became the symbol

of your time, having reached

the pinnacle from which

there was no other way

but the chasm at the bottom.

You came down like a man and this...

one must admire.

You stood there amongst all

who had known you. They said:

“Bond is in jail,

he deserves what he gets!”

Yesterday’s hero

has been felled down like

a tall poppy in the fields.

I was never your admirer

in success, but now that

you’re down, I condemn

those who so readily exhalted you,

who so willingly brought you down.

They are the victims of their own

weaknesses and in you they reflect

their faults... just like in you

they tried to be one with your success.

All this balances out but,

what a pity, I say

to kill the memory of a dream,

and the dream of a well earned memory!

It wasn’t all in vain,

oh Alan Bond!


We are friends...

therefore we share

our days, out thoughts,

our inner hopes.

We keep company

because we communicate

with each other

free from inhibitions.

Thus we build our trust

day by day.

But we need space,

oh friend, to be ourselves.

We are friends...

therefore we should be able

to drift away

for a while to explore

the world outside...

to find that friendship

is a precious possession.

We leave each other

when either of us

decides that we want

to move on... perhaps

to make another friend.

Friendship is as common

as the grass and as rare

as a Winter’s orchid.

We can never forget

a friend even when

we drift


Friend to Friend

Don’t judge me

but lend me your hand.

Let’s give each other

support and confidence.

Don’t put me down because

you know me so well!

Value in me what

attracted you to me!

The Future

There, ahead,

in front of us,

immersed in its anonymity

lies the future.

It’s a mass of moments

to be conquered, to be lived.

Its presence is ephemeral

because, as soon as it is amongst us,

it mixes itself up with the present

and then it disappears in the lap

of Mother History.

The future has of everything

and it is logical and unpredictable.

I am still Hoping

The dark hours run away with time

whilst the storm quietens on the sea.

Even the little bird has stopped flying,

and now, happy to dream, he looks for his nest

thinking of the betrayed little bird of his dreams.

Oh you, traitor day in the past

become a traitor once again

to betray the betrayed moment

and bring back to the present the ancient illusion!

It’s sweet the Spring of dreams,

they are beautiful the hopes of once.

But now are faded the memories

of this swallow that in vain

still aims for the high of the sky!


Why is everything so strange?

Why is there oblivion?

No one can supply the truth of life.

No one can say: “I was wanted.”

We might be a world of rejects

struggling against the existence

of change, of degeneration.

A freelance... authority

A freelance touch of fantasy

with some common sense as its authority

judges the rest as stupidity.

Correct to a degree,

it can lead most into degeneracy

if not held in reality.

But when maturity understands

the truth of reality, then

a freelance touch of fantasy

has common sense as its authority.

Organised intrusion

Dreams go back to nature

when people’s only obsession

rests in material possession.

A shameless world of intrusion

in individuals’ private seclusion.

No secrets left,

no love at rest.

Only an empty domain

of power unreal to man.

His own creation,

his beloved fashion.

His longing of power achieved,

his nature lost in convention.

No more the happy days

in privacy… in rest.

Power of the Present

Smiling at the infinite world, man

searches in the heart of other people

for the love of games in company.

Forget always the so fleeting and

so beautiful future, and live

joyously this present happy life!

There is no sailor who ploughs the waves

who would not want to return to his own place

from where he sailed with so much hope.

The ugly witch, with her fingers wide open

on the crystal, looks in the future for the present

and then changes the present for the happy people.

Human things are forever changing, but the known

change crushes the joys of the unknown.

Therefore, dissatisfied of this beautiful world,

dream of the things that the future for us

foreshadows and always remember the words

that on the tomb of the present I inscribe:

“By all means dream of the fleeting

Future, but always love in our heart

the eternal power of the present.”

A Cat

In the deserted street,

a lone cat


He feels a deluge

in the stuffy air.

He doesn’t look for a roof:

he waits for the coming

of thunder, of lightning,

of rain.

Experience tells him:

go, run to your shelter.

But this feline philosopher

doesn’t care:

he is not afraid

of nature.

Sure of himself,

he walks head high

alone in the night.

The Football

I can’t explain

why football is so

much loved.

Perhaps it is because

you catch it with your hands,

you throw it up into the air,

it returns to you again

and then you give it

a kick up the rear.

Just like man does

with his friend.

Understanding oneself

It’s great the joy

in understanding oneself.

To see around

the continuous shaking

of life pulsating

in days of sunshine.

To know that to be

means to want to adapt

to the environment in

which one finds oneself.

Like ants who live

around the anthill,

nest of variety

full of monotonous

daily work.

But so welcoming

because there is the mount,

the neighbourhood, home!

There you will find gossip,

company, security!

True life comes from

understanding oneself.

Lucky is the person who succeeds!

Important Atom

Written 04-03-2008

There is in me

another poem

on things

that happen

whilst I am trying

to plan

others that will come!

So expressed himself

that famous ‘Beatle’

after having visited

India and its philosophies!

Because life

is an accumulation of events,

of period of relaxation,

of so many varied things

that exist outside

of yourself, whilst you

concentrate your efforts

at understanding what presents

itself in your daily life.

You are a complex atom

in the midst of the Universe

in which you are no more

than another infinitesimal

fragment. But you

are important. Believe it!


Love is the only word

that the heart of man

listens to with pleasure.

And when things are going well,

everything is acceptable.

Then even the ugly things of life

take on dimensions that are eternal,

infinite, more than the infinity of heaven.

I can’t but explain the roses

which, from time to time, prick

the soft material of the gracious

hands which caress them.

I would like to still feel in me

that youthful sentiment

which rarely embittered my hours

of enthusiasm, of vanity, of deceit.

Sad is for me the man

who tires at understanding life.

History: I am sorry

To rejoice

in the coming of others

who have destroyed

your culture

is to love

your neighbour.